Monday, September 8, 2014

Surprising Sunshine, Underground Cells, the Firth of Forth, and Murders


For three days now I have been in my beloved Edinburgh. I arrived on Saturday and took a taxi with my Richmond friend, Katie, from the airport into the city. We were both so excited! But that excitement was slightly weighed down by the four pieces of luggage we had… each! Eventually, we both got checked into our flats and, after literally tossing our luggage into our rooms and shutting the door on them, we headed out to explore and to eat.

 My Flat

I took her first to the Royal Mile, my favorite street in Edinburgh that connects Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace (home of the queen when she is in Scotland). We then went down to the Grassmarket and ate outside. Having a nice sit-down meal outside in Edinburgh is a luxury. It is most often too cold or too rainy. But, with a partly overcast, partly blue sky and 62 degree weather, we figured we should take advantage of the outdoor seating in order to really take in the eccentric Grassmarket area. Little did we know that the following two days would present us with even warmer temperatures and solid blue skies!

St. Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile

We then went up to see the Castle briefly. You know what, I could seriously just go up to the Castle esplanade and sit there staring at that ancient fortress for hours. It is my favorite place in Edinburgh, so that basically means it is my favorite place I have ever visited. I can't wait to tour it again later in the week!

I also met my flatmate on Saturday, Catherine, a first-year student from North Carolina. I admire and envy her for the fact that she is studying at the University of Edinburgh all four years. We immediately clicked! Again, I got extremely lucky with my roommate selection!

On Sunday, Katie and I took part in a few Freshers' Week activities including a dialect coaching session and a underground tour of really dark and creepy vaults (stone cells) that exist underneath the street I live on. The vaults were built in the late 18th century and were used as taverns and for tradesmen work. Eventually, they were abandoned and taken over by the city's homeless. They were then forgotten for over a hundred years, but were eventually found, excavated, and converted into a tourist attraction. We got to go into 5 of the 120 vaults. Very cool! In the evening, I met up with another Richmond friend, Rosemary, who had just arrived in the afternoon. Like Katie, I took Rose up to the Royal Mile and then down into the Grassmarket for dinner before taking her up to see the Castle. It was dark outside but they had the Castle lit. It was still stunning in the dark :)

On Monday, Rose and I went with four other girls to Portobello Beach. It was only a 30 minute bus ride from my flat and was on the Forth of Firth, a body of water that flows into the North Sea (and whose name sounds like it's from Game of Thrones). It was a beautiful day and a beautiful beach. It was really hard to believe I was still in Edinburgh! We sat and ate the classic fish and chips on a blanket on the sand looking out at the water. It was really nice.

When we returned, I relaxed for a while and finished unpacking and decorating my room a bit.  I made it feel homey :) What do ya think??

I then headed to a "graveyard mystery and murder" tour. I went on my own and met some nice new people! The tour started in Greyfriar's Kirkyard (Churchyard) a famous sight in Edinburgh where nearly 100,000 have been buried. The tour continued through Old Town as the sun went completely down. The town went down the Royal Mile and ended at the Cannongate Kirkyard (another graveyard). The tour was extremely historical but focused on murders that have taken place in the city over the centuries of both major criminals and completely innocent victims. I learned so much! And the two Scottish guides were so entertaining and passionate about telling us the stories. It was definitely the best event I have attended as a part of Freshers' Week so far!

Well, there is the update! I am starting to really settling in and get to know my way around Old Town. I am looking forward to meeting the theatre group tomorrow! The Edinburgh University Theatre Company is the oldest student-run theatre group in the entire United Kingdom and they put on 40 show every year. I've heard nothing but praise for the EUTC, so I am really excited to attend some of their activities starting tomorrow!

Until next time! :)

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